Strategy Alignment

Misalignment is all too common

It's not unusual for the commercial strategy (sales, marketing, pricing, support, upsales, etc) of a company to be discussed and decided in one building by one team while the technology strategy (IT, most often) is discussed and decided in another building by a different team.

This is nuts.

Getting it Wrong

Most often the problem arises because each of the main areas (commercial/technology) doesn't really speak the language of the other.

Either misunderstandings arise because people speak in jargon or - more often - the needed discussions simply never take place.

Often neither "side" is comfortable so the discussion is avoided.

We're experts at setting up those discussions so that they take place in an effective and open way.

They're often not easy discussions since everyone has to work outside their comfort zone but it has to happen.

REAL discussions have to happen. REAL understanding of the commercial priorities and what that means for technology. And vice versa.

And then real commitments each way.

Or doing it right

It's not actually hard to get the strategies aligned.

First, understand what the business wants to achieve; what it wants to offer to customers; how the commercial model is expected to work.

THEN, and only then, try to design a technical solution*.

That solution can be any combination of build, buy, rent, "steal". You can get it done by magic elves, but the business just wants it done.

You always hear two complaints in this process;

  • the business doesn't know what it wants

  • the technology guys aren't listening to us

Often, both of those complaints are true. That's why it's important to talk.

And we know how to work past that problem and get a solution that works.

(*-Obviously if you're starting from an R&D perspective, this doesn't apply!)

You can choose to do it right!

A basic audit can take as little as a week or two. A more complex aligment project can take a couple of months.

It's some of the best money you'll spend.

Once you've got your strategy clear, you'll be able to identify the specific things you need to do - both on the commercial and technical side. That's where you start to develop your roadmap. See here for that.

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