PWAs in an hour
It rained one recent Saturday afternoon so I had a go at building a quick Progressive Web App. The guides and tools have now gotten so easy to use that it's a doddle to get one up and running. This was initially built as a toy or a wet afternoon's play so it doesn't do that much, but I think you can see that it could. And I've been able to tweak it and change it quickly, which I couldn't do if it needed to be an App Store or Play Store application. It'll install on mobiles and on PCs. And it'll just work. It's embedded here below, or go to it directly here.
So what? Well, just that creating "an app" needn't be as hard as you might think. A full-on mobile app is also becoming easier (you may have seen me writing about Flutter) but getting going with something basic is REALLY easy.
A bit like AI/ML, the hard part is figuring out what you want.